What is the most cost effective way to convert complex Lotus Notes databases?

lotus notesLotus Notes was a very effective tool for its time.  The platform allowed for the effective deployment of applications that could range in size from simple expansions of existing database templates to highly customized and complex applications.

Converting mail files and templates has been done.  Many partners have developed advanced tools and techniques that makes performing a Lotus Notes migration a very painless process for the consumer.  But what do you do about the more complex applications?

The McKula Solution

Our methodology with complex Lotus Notes migrations is to take a very detailed and specific look at the application.   We do not rely on tools to attempt to estimate the application based upon forms, views, and agents.  We rely on our team and their experience to give you the best estimates for effort to convert your applications.   We perform a detailed assessment that includes interviews with the business users and a detailed analysis of the application by our own Lotus Notes developers.   Once we have completed our interviews and assessment, we will present you with a path to moving the application to a possible technology (such as SharePoint) along with an estimate of effort to do so.

When it comes to actual database conversion, we again rely on our experience working with both Lotus Notes and Microsoft technologies to build a new solution.   We are also available to assist with any data migration and constructing tools (if necessary) to assist you in moving your Lotus Notes data.  Our team has experience with common Lotus Notes data migration tools including DocAve, Dell Migrator, and SWING.

Our strategy has been successful in converting complex Lotus Notes applications for many large, enterprise clients.  Contact us today if you have a challenging Lotus Notes migration on your schedule or would just like to ask some questions regarding a potential Lotus Notes migration opportunity.

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